• Working days: Saturday – Thursday
  • Working Hours: 9:00 AM – 7 PM

PHP/LARAVEL Web development Training Course

  • In this course, you will be able to program websites professionally, control databases, and protect the site and data
  • This course enables you to program building interfaces and programming and developing websites. The course also provides the trainee with high-level skills, learning the most prevalent language in the world that most websites work on, register now and do not miss the opportunity.
  • Several projects will be done during the course, so that the projects include all the topics that will be presented in the course in order to enable the trainee to enter the field of competition and work.

The course is divided into two parts:

1. Front-End (building interfaces, layout pages and adding effects to them)

2. Back-End (writing PHP code and databases)

1. Front-End

  • CSS and HTML skills needed to code the interfaces of systems and websites.
  • Writing CSS and HTML codes that are search engine friendly and support SEO.
  • How to build responsive design designs using the Bootstrap library to add the responsive feature to all devices and browsers, in addition to the presence of ready-to-use codes.
  • Use (JavaScript) to add the process of interaction between the user and the pages of the site.
  • Use ready-made libraries such as JQuery to support Usability, UX in building systems.
  • Building systems using Ajax.
  • Providing the trainee with tools and programs that help him in his work as a front end developer.

2. Back-End

(Part 1)

  • Coding using PHP.
  • Using the OOP method in programming web systems.
  • Use of database libraries such as Mysqli that enable you to build database systems.
  • Dealing with MYSQL databases.
  • Dealing with the session.
  • Dealing with cookies.
  • Help functions in PHP.
  • Validation and exception handling.
  • How to build systems with a high level of protection and to overcome software vulnerabilities.
  • How to build code within scientific standards and standards.
  • Dealing with images and files and how to upload them.
  • Providing the trainee with the necessary tools and sites to work as a Back End Developer.

(Part 2)

  • Explanation of the Laravel Framework.
  • Paths assigned to the web interface in the Routing framework.
  • Controllers
  • Requests
  • Responses
  • Templates and Views and Blade Templates
  • Authentication
  • Use the Query Builder to communicate with the database in the Database Query Builder framework
  • Eloquent Models and Relationships database system

Course Outcomes:

  • Full site project acquired skills.
  • Proficiency in programming and developing high-quality websites in a professional manner.
  • Design of interactive materials and their inclusion on the site.

From the category of beneficiaries of this course:

  • All those interested in entering the world of web programming (it is not required to have any previous experience in the field of computer or programming).
  • Students and graduates of universities wishing to develop their abilities.
  • University students who wish to implement the idea of their graduation project by creating a distinguished site with their efforts.
  • All those interested in increasing their income or improving their job opportunities.

The trainer is specialized in the field of designing, programming and protecting websites with more than 10 years of experience.

Course Info

  • Technologies HTML5 & CSS3 & JavaScript & Jquery & MYSQL Database & PHP & APIs & LARAVEL
  • Duration 60 hours (Full Technical Training)
  • Classroom Online (using Zoom)
  • Price $800 (US Dollar)